Taking a census of our most vulnerable population to move towards a brighter future
SAN ANGELO, TEXAS–TheConcho ValleyHomeless Planning Coalitionwill be conducting their 2023Point–in–Time(PIT)CountonThursday, January 26th.The Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition is an independent group of area agencies designed to specifically target the housing crisis in our city.The PITCountis anevent where communitiesacross the nationgo out andtake acensus ofsheltered and unsheltered homeless individuals in their community.The PIT Count serves as a baseline for state and federal support for addressing the needs of the homeless community. “Last year, our PIT Count showed 107 sheltered and unsheltered homeless neighborsin our area. Unfortunately, we know that number is notaccurate since we have 189 homeless households onthe Rapid Rehousingwaitlistshared by CVCAA and the Housing Authority,” said Mike Burnett, Executive Director ofConcho Valley Community Action Agency and Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition Chair.
OnThursday, January 26th,volunteers on three differentshiftswill disperse in teams tovarioushomeless hot spots and meal locations, such as along the Concho River and atNeighbor’s Cafe. The first shift will be from7:30am–10:30am, the middle shift will be from 11am–2pm, and the last shift will be from5pm–8pm. Volunteers will have assistance goodie bags to hand out to participating neighborsfilled with water bottles, snacks, gloves, and more. “Since the last PIT Count in 2022, CVCAA and so many other local agencies have really banded together to reach out to our most vulnerable neighborsand meet them where they’re at. I believe all our efforts are going tomake a huge difference in the success of Thursday’s PIT Count,” said Sidney Timmer, Outreach andMarketing Directorat Concho Valley Community Action Agency. In the past year,CVCAA, West Texas Counseling & Guidance, West Side Baptist Church, FirstPresbyterian Church, and other organizations havebegun aweeklyoutreach lunch to ahomelesscamp here in the city to begin building relationships andgetting them started on the path towards self–sufficiency. Since then, the group has created amonthly Navigation Day, where local agencies take the entire day to provide direct services to homeless neighbors in one central location, such ashelp acquiring their IDsand documents,applying for state benefits,andreceive medical care from the La Esperanza Mobile Clinic.This month, the Navigation Day is onthe same day as the PITCount, Thursday, January 26th.